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Solution for application of photovoltaic modules on "Y" structures
Solution for application of photovoltaic modules on "Y" structures
Solution created for application of photovoltaic poly and mono-crystalline modules of any size on "Y" structures.
During last year, the possibility of "creating Shed" on "Y" structures by using Alubel technologies proved to be very interesting in order to realize an excellent support base for photovoltaic modules.
As often happens in fact, incentive system for photovoltaic in Italy led to thousands applications of photovoltaic modules on roofing, most of them unfortunately installed careless. At the same time, thousands of buildings with typical "Y" shaped structures are present throughout Italian territory: most of that roofing have been produced by using curved asbestos fibre-cement sheets (also called curved "cups"), with standard curve radius of 3 and 6 meters.

Possibility of "Shed" creation on "Y" structures in order to realize an excellent support base for photovoltaic modules

1 Alubel 28 or Tek 28 with controlled straining tooling
2 Solar panel
3 Uniformly curved side sheet